Welcome to District 2 Tournaments
The details below are for our 2023 Season! Please note All-star dates can change up until start of Tournament.
Tournament of Champions
Is our district tournament that pairs all of our 1st place League teams in a single elimination format.
The 2023 T.O.C will being held in Litchfield Park for Baseball and in Avondale for Softball.
District All- Star Tournaments - Locations -

Tournament Start Dates are subject to change up until start of tournament please make to check back for updates often.
See Link above for District 2 Tournament Dates, Brackets and Scores.
Additional helpful important documents and tournament information.
Setting up your all star book 1.docx Helpful guide for Managers setting up All-Star book for review
parent code of conduct 2022.docx Parent Code of Conduct All parents will be required to sign this form see your coach if you haven't
medical release form.pdf Medical Release form each parent must sign an up to date form
tournament important rules.docx All Managers, Coaches, and Parents should read
tournannouncer-introductions district games.doc This document is helpful for parents helping with their teams tournament table
tournamentdirectorsschedule 22.xls This form is helpful for all parents helping with the table and all Managers should also keep a copy with them. It shows all times and items needed leading up to game time.
2022_tournament_rules_chart_bb.pdf Basic rules cheat sheet only Baseball
2022_tournament_rules_chart_sb.pdf Basic rules cheat sheet only Softball
Good Luck to all teams and see you at the field!